As LPU endeavors to be a recognized industry-driven university in the Asia Pacific Region, we recognize the importance of aligning donations and funding with our institutional values and sustainability goals. This Sustainable Donations/Funding Policy outlines our commitment to accepting donations and funding that support our mission while upholding environmental, social, and ethical considerations. 


  • To seek donations and funding that align with our mission to drive innovation, excellence, and sustainability in the Philippines and Asia Pacific Region. 
  • To integrate environmental, social, and governance considerations into our acceptance of donations and funding, promoting sustainability throughout our operations and initiatives. 
  • To engage with donors, funding partners, and other stakeholders to foster transparency, accountability, and mutual understanding in our fundraising efforts. 

Guiding Principles: 

  • Donations and funding must support our mission and strategic priorities, driving positive impact in instruction, research, and community extension. 
  • We consider donations and funding that contribute to environmental sustainability, social equity, and ethical governance, aligning with our commitment to sustainability. 
  • We maintain transparency in our fundraising activities, disclose the sources and purposes of donations and funding, and ensure accountability in their use. 
  • We adhere to ethical principles and legal requirements in accepting donations and funding, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding the integrity of our institution. 
  • We engage with donors, funding partners, and other stakeholders to build relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and shared values, fostering collaboration and partnership in advancing our mission. 

Donations/Funding Criteria: 

  • Donations and funding must align with our institutional mission, core values, and strategic priorities, supporting initiatives that drive innovation, excellence, and sustainability. 
  • Preference will be given to donations and funding that demonstrate a positive impact on environmental sustainability, social equity, and ethical governance, contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive future. 
  • While donors may specify the purpose of their donations, we will ensure that acceptance of donations does not compromise our academic freedom, independence, or integrity as an institution. 
  • We seek donations and funding from partners who are committed to long-term collaboration, mutual learning, and shared progress towards our sustainability goals.


  • We engage with potential donors and funding partners to communicate our sustainability priorities, funding needs, and partnership opportunities. 
  • We maintain transparency in our fundraising activities, publicly disclose the sources and purposes of donations and funding, and provide regular reporting on their use and impact. 
  • We establish mechanisms for ethical oversight of donations and funding acceptance, including review by appropriate governance bodies and adherence to relevant policies and guidelines. 

Review and Revision:

This Sustainable Donations/Funding Policy will be annually reviewed and revised to ensure its effectiveness, relevance, and alignment with our institutional vision and sustainability goals. Any required revisions or enhancements to the policy will be guided by feedback from stakeholders and insights gleaned from industry best practices. 

Effective: AY 2022-2023