LYCEANS’ TRAIL: Life-Saving Messages through Marketing
by: Hayat Adnan L. Al-Mussally, BS Business Administration – 1

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration is a program that helps to generate wealth for people, purchases, create opportunities, and spread awareness. One of our main activities as BSBA students is marketing and in these trying times, I have viewed marketing as a form of awareness. Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak started and has hit the Philippines, we were instructed to follow the safety protocols and reminding us to stay at home. With this, social media and television have become the platforms that connect us and give us updates about the pandemic.

Over the past months, awareness advertisements about the pandemic like the prevention, causes, and symptoms of the disease have flooded our television and social media and it made us more engaged with these platforms compared to before. Disseminating these awareness advertisements are what I call “life-saving messages”. Reminders such as frequently washing our hands, wearing our mask and face shield when in public places, observing social distancing, avoiding being in crowded places, staying at home as much as we can, are truly helpful in regulating the spread of this virus.

With this, I see this as an opportunity for marketers to engage with social media and promote healthcare awareness campaigns. Being part of the 67% of the population that uses social media, I am aware of what is going on around me and it gave me a greater awareness of the importance of healthcare and the steps that we can take so we can keep ourselves and our families safe.

We might not have noticed how marketers have created an impact in this pandemic but for me, they have created something that instills in our minds, a daily reminder, to always follow the safety protocols for us to prevent the spread of the virus or being infected with it.

LYCEANS’ TRAIL: Life-Saving Messages through Marketing