Lyceans’ Trail: Learn for Tomorrow
by: Jescna Ven Fernely S. Cadelina, BS Pharmacy

January 1, 2020, marked a new beginning and we welcomed the new year with so much hope and excitement as we embark on a new journey in our lives. But, the spark of hope was challenged when the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded that affected various aspects of life in different countries. This global health crisis that arose across the nations has become the worst point of this year. The pandemic has changed how people work, learn, and interact with each other as the government implemented strict rules on social distancing guidelines, and people have to stay at home. With the number of cases continuously increasing, most people are now concerned with their health, and their lifestyle has changed to have better eating habits and try to get healthier in many areas. Now, imagine a world without people or organizations that will not address this kind of dilemma; it would be appalling to think, right? Thus, these organizations and health professionals play a crucial role in discovering thousands of solutions to figure out how to solve this global health crisis.

With all these health problems in our community, our medical professionals have been there to provide the service they could give to the people. One of these so-called modern heroes is what we called the medication experts, our Pharmacists. I know all of us have been into a Pharmacy store wherein our prescriptions are being dispensed by these professionals so that we can have the correct dosage and medicine to help us in attaining a healthy life. Apart from that, they also give consultations to patients who ask for information about a certain medicine. Indeed, our dearest Pharmacists have been our guide throughout the years upon maintaining our well-being.

In addition to that, these health professionals study for four years and have to take the licensure exam for them to serve the community. Well, taking a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy is not an easy journey to start with; but as you go on, you will learn and grow as a person with deep compassion towards people. Thus, education always plays a vital role in our lives because, without it, we will be dumbfounded with hoax information that could lead us to danger. Lastly, I know all of us have been challenged with our new normal mode of living, but we should always remember that after all, our health is the greatest wealth that we all need to take seriously. Moreover, through the help of the healthcare team which includes our Pharmacists, we can uphold our tomorrow as we celebrate the wellness of the present.

LYCEANS’ TRAIL: Learn for Tomorrow
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