
LYCEANS’ TRAIL: Dear Future Self by Monjabbil D. Rasheed

LYCEANS’ TRAIL: Dear Future Self by Monjabbil D. Rasheed

What you are about to read is entirely different from all the pieces that I have written before this. Though this letter may sound personal, I do hope that you find comfort while you journey for a short while with me as you read the words that I expect my future self to also find solace in.

Dear Future Self,

            Wherever you may be at the time you’re reading this, I hope that you are in a good place where your heart and mind are both at peace. I know that it’s possible for my thoughts to mean nothing to a grown-up individual like you, but I know it would be helpful to tell you things that will make you feel at ease amidst the rushing flow of life.

            Remember when I kept telling myself that everything will eventually get better? I have faith in you, and I know that you were able to prove that.

Your life is unquestionably made up of a bunch of highs and lows.

You have lived through tough times that made you feel like pushing for greatness is not paying off.

However, at the end of the day, I know for a fact that you see no point in giving up on whatever it is that you’re doing right now to achieve the satisfying life that you long wished for.

I foresee that you are in a situation where you are freely pursuing the things that please you without allowing the judgment of others to affect the steps that you plan to take. Be grateful even for the tiniest of goodness that you receive and never hesitate to help those who are in need no matter what your relation to them may be.

It flatters me to think that you might be a more sensible person now, who thinks a couple of times first before speaking up as he knows that words hold a great impact on all sorts of circumstances. I hope that the hardships that I have been through influenced you to become stronger and wiser as life slaps you with situations that require you to decide. I would not say that I expect you to be this or that as of this moment. I just sincerely wish that you are happy and content with whatever you are doing right now. After all, your happiness will forever be on top of my priorities.

Please never lose me, your younger self, in you. When all else fails and you feel like you have no one, remember that you will always have me. I know that we will never get the chance to talk to each other but know that I will eternally support you as you seek happiness in this lifetime.

Most importantly, if no one told you this lately, know that I am proud of you. Cheers to us!

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