
LYCEANS’ TRAIL: Dear Future Self by Jazsha Kerbel Bayo

LYCEANS’ TRAIL: Dear Future Self by Jazsha Kerbel Bayo

Dear Future Self,

            You did good! You are happy and content. You are resilient and adaptable to any change. You have been very competent and know what you aspire to. And look at you now, you are making me proud.

            Let’s just start with how it all happens now; I am in Senior High school, doing the very best that I can. I aspire to be my best version. I have joined several associations to be on par to your success.

            Success is what I see in you. You have been very happy and content with what you have now. Because you are strong, just like the coconut trees in the ocean. No matter how difficult the winds have swooshed you, you remain standing still.

            I am quite aware that life is full of surprises. They may not be as what I have ever wanted them to be. I may become frustrated, most of the time. I may become dissatisfied with myself, all of the time. But look at you now, you are resilient. You now know how to balance things out. And you do know what to do in every situation. You’re full of grace and became really classy. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to fathom what process you’ve gone through to be the you now. You have grown into a mature woman. That is, adaptable to any change. You have become really strong. And I know you still cry at night. I have been crying at night too. Yet, you now have outgrown misery businesses and move on in a swift way.

            Like a sword, you have been conditioned to be your most authentic self. Look at you, you do not need any validations to keep you satisfied. And you do not need any intervention to keep you sane. You are beyond greatness. Truth be told, I couldn’t imagine the things that have happened in between the [me] now and to you now.

 Like the waves in the ocean, you have been calmly coming back and forth to the shore. We both know that it reminds us of our goals, the things we aspire- the things that make us come back and forth. Because I know you never stop. You know what you aspire to. You are a go-getter and don’t stop until you get it.

To my future self who is reading this, congrats! Now go follow your dreams. Be the doctor you always wanted to be. Be a model. Be an influencer. Do travel. Do make lots of friends. The sky’s the limit. Never doubt yourself.

I aspire to be great and I’m ecstatic to be you, my future self. And I couldn’t wait to be just like you.

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