LYCEANS’ TRAIL: 7 Songs that Motivate Me Daily

by Samantha Nicole P. Canonio, 3rd Year BS Pharmacy

Life is full of ups and downs. We encounter daily battles, and we need to overcome those to achieve the things we want in life. However, there are times where certain obstacles become too difficult to conquer which could be overwhelming and exhausting for us. As such, we may need a little push to move forward and there are different ways to do so. In my case, I listen to music to energize me and lift my mood up.

Here are the 7 songs that helps me gain and keep my positivity and motivates me daily:


“There may be no end to our journey of dreams so let’s take a break today.”


This song is the title track of the group’s special album entitled “;[SEMICOLON]” which emphasizes the importance of taking a break. Aside from its dynamic and energetic melody, HOME;RUN motivates me the most as the song was released when I was having a difficult time which is why I got hooked immediately. It reminds me not to always push myself beyond my limits if it costs me more than what I could afford and always prioritize rest over anything. The song also highlights that it’s okay not to do my best at all times, prioritizing one self should be first on my list.

2. SUNRISE by Ben&Ben

“Show my weary heart that a new day will soon arrive.”

SUNRISE by Ben&Ben

Ben&Ben have written plenty of encouraging songs and SUNRISE is one of them. This song is a single released on July 16, 2018. This one wasn’t as popular as their love songs, but I did love listening to it. The message was simply about sunrise that symbolizes a new beginning which means that better days are coming. However, if you’re someone that is currently going through hardships, it hits different. The words are just so light, and the tune is absolutely calming as if it soothes the soul of the one that’s listening to it. Ultimately, SUNRISE’s reassuring message always makes me look forward to tomorrow and learn from the hardships of the previous day.

3. Always by ENHYPEN

“Don’t rush yourself. It’s okay to stay as you are always.”

Always by ENHYPEN

The song is an OST of Muchaburi! I am the President and part of ENHYPEN’s Japanese album entitled “DIMENSION: 閃光”. The song talks about doing everything at your own pace and not competing with everyone else. The chorus repeats the lyrics “always stand by you” which consoles me for I felt like everyone around me has been progressing while I am still stuck in the same deserted place. However, listening to the song made me appreciate life and realized that what I have and where I am right now is also part of a process. Just because I can’t feel or see any progress doesn’t mean I’m not moving forward at all.

4. High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco

“Didn’t have a dime but I always had a vision.”

High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco

The song “High Hopes” was released in 2018 by Panic! At The Disco and the band was known for their “EMO songs” that were really famous during its era. Even though it’s different from what they are used to be known for, the song was still phenomenal and is absolutely encouraging. It’s about being able to not stop believing yourself no matter what the conditions are to achieve your goals and aspirations. It’s also not about where you’re from, or whatever your financial status is, but it’s more of the amount of work you put into and being able to embrace positivity and inspiration. The financial means might be limited or not enough at all but the will to reach my dreams is boundless.

5. Where the sea sleeps (파도가끝나는곳까지) by DAY6 (Even of Day)

“We may stumble or topple. But once everything passes, the warmth we meet will be the sweetest of all.”

Where the sea sleeps (파도가끝나는곳까지) by DAY6 (Even of Day)

The song is the title track of The Book of Us: Gluon album and was sung by the sub-unit DAY6 (Even of Day) as two of their members of DAY6 were in a hiatus during that time. Where the sea sleeps depicts that no matter how difficult the road is, these obstacles are worth going through. It also makes the journey more worthwhile, and it makes you appreciate the road taken even more. I always thought that it’s okay to not overcome struggles, especially the ones that made you give up. Why don’t we just give time to the ones we could easily go through? Then, I realized that it’s not the case and ended up regretting some of my decisions. The song also made me realize that it is not life if it’s perfect. Where the sea sleeps means even if you fall seven times, you can stand up eight times more. The obstacles I’ve been through made me stronger and better so I should embrace them for I am definitely not alone in this journey.

6. 让风告诉你 (Let the Wind Tell You) by 花园花玲, 喵☆酱, 宴宁ccccc, & kinsen

“If you grow tired of gravity and wish to fly, then I shall let the winds of the world all blow towards you.”

让风告诉你 (Let the Wind Tell You) by 花园花玲, 喵☆酱, 宴宁ccccc, & kinsen

The song is written by ChiliChill, dedicated for the open-world action role-playing game entitled “Genshin Impact” and was sung by the Chinese voice actors of the game. I started playing the game in November 2020 and has provided me joy and comfort ever since. The game is my company in the wee hours of the morning wherein sometimes I feel lonely. I immediately loved the song as one of the singers is my favorite character from the game. The character is associated with the wind which is why I also chose those specific lyrics. Whenever I feel drained from day-to-day activities, I would listen to Let the Wind Tell You as it brings a smile across my face since it reminds me of the game that feels like home.

7. アカシア (Acacia) by BUMP OF CHICKEN

Even without the sun, we can still go on. A world where we shine awaits us.

アカシア (Acacia) by BUMP OF CHICKEN

The song is produced for Pokémon’s anniversary held last 2020. Pokemon can be considered as almost everyone’s childhood game and animated series. I was captivated by the game itself due to its mechanics, well-written storyline, and graphics. Acacia was able brought back some memories from my childhood and made me absolutely happy how far this work of art has come. Moreover, the lyrics are enlightening and always gives me hope for tomorrow. The dark tunnel cannot prevent me from seeing where I should be headed as the light at the end serves as the guide. Eventually, I could accomplish my goals with the right people beside me.

LYCEANS’ TRAIL: 7 Songs that Motivate Me Daily
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