
LYCEANS’ TRAIL: 5 Ways to Practice a More Eco-Friendly Life

LYCEANS’ TRAIL: 5 Ways to Practice a More Eco-Friendly Life

by Yuan Gabrielle Dumanjug, 2nd Year BS Tourism Management

Having a healthy living is not only taking care of ourselves alone. Our mother earth should also be considered and must be protected by us, humans. With that, being Eco-friendly is one way to help conserve environmental resources. Using eco-friendly materials prevents pollution and helps save mother earth.

Here’s a list of ways to achieve an eco-friendly life to commemorate Earth Hour:

Eat Less Meat, More Veggies

The production of meat and dairy has been the primary reason of climate change and pollution on earth. According to Wessex Water (n.d.) Just by eating less of it, you are helping in reducing the risks of having Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions on our planet. Moreover, you also get lesser risks to having different illnesses.

Use reusable utensils

Plastic utensils takes up to 200 years to decompose totally, and it results to hurting different animals and wildlife creatures. Usually when animals ingest too much plastics, they get in the way to their digestive tracts which results to harming their health. Hence, investing to reusable utensils is a much better way to avoid such problem, and it is made to be used again by humans. It is more durable, and you could take it everywhere you go.

Bamboo is a natural material which could be used as a substitute to straw. It is much better than using plastic since it is harmful and does not have other chemicals in it. Rather using plastics, go reusable and invest in harmful materials like bamboo.

Recycle and Reuse

Recycling and reusing items that are used already by people is one way to become eco-friendly. Making old materials into new products reduces harm and saves energy as well. Since there is no manufacturing process involved, unwanted emissions would not occur and develop. Also, try reusing products again and again to reduce waste.

Donate unused items

If there are products or clothes you are not using anymore but still works and are presentable, it is ideal for it to be donated to a charity or maybe give it to a friend. Instead of having those piled up clutter all over your home, just by sharing it to other people helps reduce waste related to the production, supply, and purchase of clothing. The production of clothing has been one of the reasons of textile waste in the fashion industry and even in our environment. A small portion of clothing is being recycled and most of it are being thrown in the landfill. To avoid such acts, it is much better to donate it to charities. Remember: If you do good to others, something good will also happen to you.

Be mindful in printing papers

Printing papers always occur especially in our home, schools, and office areas. To avoid wasting papers, it is preferable to print papers only if it is necessary for it to be printed. A better way to avoid such thing is instead of printing it, choose to send and receive messages over email or other messaging platforms. Let’s go paperless!

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